Lab Notes
Avoiding CORS Issues with Hono, SST, and API GatewayQuick writeup of how you can avoid CORS issues, unlike myself in my latest project.
David Kennedy
Building a simple reminder service with AWS LambdaScheduling reminders don't have to be complicated. See how I built a simple reminder service using AWS Lambda
David Kennedy
Managing User Generated API Keys for your ApplicationOne method to manage API Keys generated for access to your application
David Kennedy
How I Upload Images in my ProjectsAn overview of how I upload images to S3 for my projects
David Kennedy
What is Powering the DpkLab's BlogA overview of the service I created for builders looking for a simple solution for adding content to their product sites.
David Kennedy
Blokfeed Meet OpenAI (Quick Update)Using OpenAI to summarize articles for Blokfeed's daily news briefs.
David Kennedy
How to run long-tail processing with AWS LambdasUsing lambda's context object, determine when to trigger a continuation processing lambda.
David Kennedy
Blokfeed Daily BriefsHow I went about building in daily news briefs for Blokfeed. Part 5 of how I built Blokfeed.
David Kennedy
Blokfeed Email Alerts 🤔The decisions, strategies, and services I use to send email alerts to Blokfeed's users. Part 4 of how I built Blokfeed.
David Kennedy
Serving Articles to Users of BlokfeedTechnologies used to serve articles to users of Blokfeed. Welcome back to part 3 of how I built Blokfeed.
David Kennedy
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